Liz Maw
The Untitled II
21.11.24 — 20.12.24
previous exhibitions
previous exhibitions
Beauty on the Desert Road
24.11.22 — 17.12.22
Felicity and Palomino
3.9.20 — 26.9.20
Ducklingmonster, Social Medea and The Kazakhstan Ensemble
14.6.18 — 7.7.18
Sam and Dani, Debi's secret and The Future is Not what it used to be
30.6.16 — 23.7.16
summer field, Mary, Jacinda, and an English Artist from a magazine
29.5.14 — 28.6.14
Josey Kidd-Crowe
Summer Grass, Winter Worm
21.11.24 — 20.12.24
previous exhibitions
previous exhibitions
Pressure releases the keyhole
29.6.23 — 22.7.23
Dross, Dredge & Spoils
1.10.20 — 24.10.20
19.4.18 — 12.5.18
as a weasel sucks eggs
1.9.16 — 24.9.16
upcoming exhibitions
Patrick Lundberg
23.1.25 – 22.2.25
Richard Bryant
23.1.25 – 22.2.25